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Two Reasons Why You Should Switch To Experimental Marketing

In the last decade, a huge chunk of customer demographic is constantly avoiding advertisements and traditional marketing. Advertisers are coming to terms with taking the help of emotional marketing for breaking the barriers. In this scenario, an intelligent marketing strategy is required to make the sales pitch.

Experimental marketing is all about familiarizing potential customers with a particular brand or product with subtle marketing tactics. The marketing strategy gently directs customers towards the product, influencing them to make buying choices accordingly. Promotional staffing companies have identified that the target audience, especially the younger demographics like college students, are prone to the traditional advertisement.

With the facility to record television programs, most TV viewers fast forward through ads to catch the sitcom. Moreover, the OTT (Over the Top) and premium streaming platforms provide limited exposure to an advertisement, thereby reducing their (ads) effects on the students. According to marketers, customers respond better towards human interaction and emotional triggers. A popular college senior can influence the buying preferences of a freshman, rather than a traditional television ad featuring someone unknown. One might find customers inclining towards those products that appeal to their (customers) ideologies.

It is basic human nature, and brands are realizing the power of psychology and emotions in marketing. Product marketers who are still ignorant regarding the benefits of emotional marketing might find it difficult to market their product and here are the reasons why:

Building relationships

The brand-customer relationship that goes beyond making purchases can have a positive impact on the company’s overall sales in the long run. Many successful enterprises, in the past decade, have focused on enhancing the overall experience of the customers. Such insight can help in making a lasting impression on the buyers and encourage them to make more purchases.

Live events are the key

Almost everyone wants to experience something new in life. Additionally, experiences that trigger nostalgia among buyers have a better chance of triggering sales. Research has shown that, event marketing taps on the raw emotions of the customers. Close to 60% of the buyers (including the millennials and Gen Z) agreed to the fact that live events, product demonstrations, and access to free samples – help them in understanding the product better.


Several promotional staffing companies found that consumers tend to prefer products that tap into their ideology and emotions. Positive experiences and associated memories can create a lasting impression of the buyers, resulting in sales. The recommendations from peers, friends, or college seniors would better direct the college-going youth towards the particular item, instead of a person talking about the particular item across the TV screen.

Is your target audience college students? Are you interested in trying experimental marketing, before your competitors realize its power? Then, you should approach Atlas College Marketing Group, LLC for marketing insight. The agency can help you in strategizing and formulating a marketing plan, which would appeal to your targeted audience. For more information, visit or call 1 (248) 904-5534.


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